The First/The Debut

etc etc and so on and so forth

I have had this title just sitting forever, and I've been having a hard time figuring out what to put on here.

First it was going to be me writing as if I am some man from the future talking about news events and then disregarding them with random facts about the future -- mostly dealing with super-internationalism and the like.  But that's kinda too close to my old (other) blog, which has become mostly writing about news stories.

Then it was going to be me writing about the subtext of the sexual lives of comic book characters -- mostly Marvel, as it's my forte.  Sadly this format would eventually become limited, possibly repetitive.  Plus it's something I'd rather do anonymously, and the internet becomes increasingly un-anonymous.

So instead I shall use this to display my experimental writings, and possibly other projects.  For some reason I feel more need to do these kinds of things when I actually have a method of displaying them and that kind of thing.

So here is to the spirit of experimentation!


-- Knuttel

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